Quality & EMS / OHS

In the company P R O M O N T, a.s. is established and certificated the integrated management system of quality management and environmental protection.

Our environmental management systems of quality control and safety  are certificated by the company BEST QUAILITY, s.r.o. in according to management system standards ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016, ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016 and ČSN ISO 45001:2018.

This integrated management quality system and EMS is one of the possible options how our company P R O M O N T, a.s. can offer confidence to our customers, that all the company processes are under the control of quality management system and the delivered product will achieve the necessary quality.

Achieve continuous improve of process quality,  environmental profile and requierements of OHS  are the main efforts of company management and every employee.


We aim all the used management systems not only for inside needs our company, but for all our suppliers, too, in order to improve working productivity,  to make higher customer´s satisfaction, to improve competitive advantage and to stabilize our market position.